Stacie Deiner, MS, MD
Dr. Deiner is a neurosurgical anesthesiologist with research interests that focus on ways in which anesthesiologists can optimize perioperative care to improve recovery in older surgical patients. She is a National Institute of Aging and American Federation of Aging Research Beeson K23 scholar; her project focused on identifying risk factors and outcomes associated with postoperative cognitive dysfunction and whether intraoperative anesthetic depth affects long term cognitive outcomes. She has also served as a co-investigator on an R01 funded randomized trial of the use of Dexmedetomidine and one which focused on cognitive effects of anesthesia (without surgery) in healthy volunteers. In 2019 she was recruited to Dartmouth to be the LeRoy Garth Vice Chair for Research. In 2020, she received a Levy Incubator Grant at Dartmouth Hitchcock to implement multidisciplinary care for older surgical patients. She is Chair of the American Society of Anesthesiology Brain Health Initiative and a Director for the American Board of Anesthesiology.